Friday, April 15, 2005

Confession 81

I went to my senior prom with two girls. They never found out about each other.


Laulau said...

how did that work, mr. mac?

Wiggle said...

I'm guessing it was a Fred Flinstone Episod. Am I right my friend?

teamwebb said...

My hero.

Robert Anthony Pierce said...
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Robert Anthony Pierce said...

I invited Dacil, the fiery foreign exchange student from Spain. She was already going with Garth, this disgusting sasquatch. So I asked Emily, who had graduated a semester early and gone up to Rick's. She said sure, she would be back just in time. The next day Dacil came and told me she'd ditched Garth and would come with me after all. I said "great." After she left I realized my predicament.

So I decided to just wing it. Dacil said she was going to be doing something with the girls in the city beforehand, so I could just meet her at the dance. Emily had a strict curfew (even though she was in college), so I said we would do stuff before. The thing that made this all tricky was that I had decided to wear a peach-colored leisure suit. In other words, blending in would be tough.

The night of prom, Emily and I went with our group to dinner at Taco Bell. We got our moms to be waitresses, and they had the place all set up with china and candles and table cloths. Then we went to Prom. I met Dacil there. I had to keep pretending to go to the bathroom and such every other dance. It was tricky. I got pictures with both girls. it was easy to leave one in line and go dance with the other for a few songs. I just kept each girl at opposite ends of the dance floor. I was getting worried about the last dance. But guess what the last dance was. YMCA. And since I was in a leisure suit, some of my football buddies put me on their shoulders and carried me up onto the stage. I ended up with my picture on the front page of the school newspaper, and an easy way of explaining why I hadn't danced with either girl during the last dance. I told each of the girls that the other one's date had ditched her and we were giving her a ride home, and not to bring it up. Dacil fell asleep in the car, which worked to my advantage, as she never saw me walk Emily up to her porch. Then I got back in and woke her up and we went to the party afterward. My friend Monkey and his date were the only ones who ever knew, and they kept the secret. Anyway, there you have it.

{I had to repost this comment since I made some embarassing spelling mistakes that reveal too much about my character}