Friday, September 29, 2006

Confession 135

The Jerry Springer Show called my dad to see if they could get him as a guest. Really.

Thursday, September 28, 2006

Confession 134

In honor of my buddy Ben, I will try to get this going again. Here's my most recent:

I went to Seattle this weekend, and my friend Alecia asked me to get her some of the special spicy vinegar that you can only get at Ivar's. So I went to three different Ivar'ses looking for it, and finally I found it at the outdoor fish bar. I asked first the cashier, and then the manager, if I could buy some, but they both said no, sorry. So I said, "Yoink!" and ran away. With the bottle of spicy vinegar that was out on the counter for the customers to use. It was a bit of a pain carrying it around for the rest of the day and then transporting the open bottle back to Utah, but yes I did get it. And actually right after I stole it, I ran into the Mormon missionaries, and they were all, "What's that?" We told them it was sinegar and they didn't want any. Anyway, Alecia was grateful. I figured it's not stealing if you do it for someone else. I'm Robbin Hood.