Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Confession 144

When I was in high school, and beyond, I drew a comic strip entitled "The Adventures of Super Twinkie and the Masked Ding Dong." All the characters were some sort of food. Like when they had a Star Wars adventure, it was Fruit Piewalker, Bun Solo, Princess Mayo, Chewbroccoli, Darth Tater, etc.

Sample dialogue:

Bun Solo: I'm here to rescue you!
Pricess Mayo: Ack! Get out!
Bun Solo: Oh! I'm sorry! I didn't realize you were DRESSING! hehehe!
Princess Mayo: See, this is why they say the bun is the lowest form of humor.

So one day, I was in church.

The speaker was talking about WWII, and the Nazis. So in my head, I started picturing the Nazis as Knotzis, little pretzel men with helmets. Then they talked about the Jews, and I pictured little juice cartons with yarmulkes. This was going to make an excellent comic strip, I thought.

Here's why this is a confession: I was never able to explain to anyone why I laughed so long and loudly that I had to excuse myself from church when, shortly after the above events, the speaker made first mention of "concentration" camps.

Yeah, I know. I'm deranged.


Jessica said...

This is probably not the purpose of your confessions, but your story reminded me of a story. My 2nd year at BYU, I was at FHE at my bishop's house. I was daydreaming during the lesson and my brain finally focused in on what my bishop was saying right when he read that someone in the scriptures fell on his face. I fall on my face a lot (Oh No!) and think it's pretty funny; I also can't help laughing when I see other people fall on their face. I pictured some Samaritan in a robe and sandles walking down a brown path and totally biffing it, giggled, then realized too late that the topic of the lesson was the Atonement, and the person who fell on their face was Jesus in the Garden of Gethsemane. The horrified looks of my peers in my direction changed my giggle into full-on, tears streaming down my face, can't catch my breath laughter and I had to leap off the couch and over the rest of my FHE group-mates and run to the kitchen where I spent the rest of the lesson trying to compose myself.

Just one more reason why I'm most definitely going to hell.

ADDollhouse said...

This blog is freaking AWESOME.

And I am a little terrified that someone sits in church thinking the same sorts of things that I do.