Monday, January 31, 2005

Confession 20

I once accidentally left a cup of my urine on the bookshelf at a friend's house for over a month.


Trueblat said...

Let's just hope this story isn't something along the lines of the grown woman cry story.

azurerocket said...

I assume this has to do with confession # 15.

Robert Anthony Pierce said...

Wow, azurerocket, that's impressive! You nailed it. Allow me to go once again into one of my freaky crazy anecdotes. One that I can't believe I'm just telling people!

So I was living with this family right after my mission. And I talked on the phone to a doctor who told me that a good way to rest for Porphyria would be to pee in a cup and leave it for an hour to see if it turned brown. So I went in the kitchen and got a cup and (Why am I telling you this again?) I did my urinary business. And then I knew the family was coming back home soon and I dodn't want to have them find this random cup of my urine so I hid it on the bookshelf in my room/family room/computer room behind a picture of the fam. And then I went and did other things. Anywayz, I remembered about a month later when I could smell something weird one day. And I went and looked up there and what do you think I saw? Well, the pee had turned brown, and there was a hard white film on te top, and green fuzzies on top of that. And when I moved it the film broke and a green visible mist came wafting out and so did the worst most horrible smell of my whole life. And I was all about to hurl and and I ran outside into the orchard and lobbed the whole cup way up in the air. The odd thing was that it was sunset right then and the pee made this ark in the air and it was shining all golden and I totally had a moment right then, looking at that pee refracting the golden sunlight against the backdrop of the hills and apple blossoms, and me being all, wow, that's really pretty. Anywayz, the doctor said it was normal for pee to turn brown after a month, so the results were inconclusive. And I've been too afraid ever since to repeat the test, because of that awful smell.

Unknown said...

Wow Confessor, that's...that's beautiful. I mean, I can just imagine the wonderful picture that took place as the sing glinted off the...okay that's just weird.

azurerocket said...

As long as we're confessing about poop and pee, let me steal the limelight for a moment: I am cursed to clog the toilet on the first day of a new job. Yep, it's happened the last 3 places I worked. It was always due to overuse of TP combined with poorly designed toilets, so cleanup wasn't bad or embarrassing. But the curse remains, nevertheless. I bet you're all jealous, huh?

Matt said...

I am seriously crying here. I am crying because I cannot recover from that story. I think I have never laughed, nor will I ever laugh, as hard as I laughed at that story.
Thank you for sharing.