Wednesday, May 18, 2005

Confession 95

Some Molly Mormons in the ward had a "conversation jar" that contained inane questions intended to spark conversation. "If you had a million dollars, how would you spend it?" "If you could visit any foreign country, which would it be?" They used this jar all the time. Heather Angela Hawks and I inserted six or seven of our own x-rated questions about sexual positions, incestual preferences, past drug use, and the likes. Gravy and I were actually over there one time when they discovered a few. Hehe.


Gregory said...

Your going to have to mail me weekly, or monthly or something with these confessions when I go on my mission. Man these are great. How I will miss them.

Robert Anthony Pierce said...

You'll just have to get called on your mission to Provo and then you can witness me in action.