Friday, June 03, 2005

Confession 113

I'd always wanted to be making a funny face in a legal i.d. picture. The problem is, they don't let you. So I hatched an idea. What if they thought that was my normal face? Then they'd be too embarassed to say anything about it. So I went home to california to get an i.d., and I realized this was my chance. I messed up my hair that day and contorted my face and started talking to the guy behind the counter. Here I was at the age of 23, filing for my i.d., and not my license. He obviously thought I was "special needs." I gave him my Utah address, and I didn't know my zip code, so I put in all zeroes. I'm fairly confident this would never have worked if he hadn't figured me for a retard. As it was, he seemed to just be avoiding conflict. I got the picture taken all right, but the problem is, any time I have to use that i.d. and I want people to take it seriously, I find I have to be making that face (see Confession 112).


Gregory said...

I don't think I've laughed so hard at a confession yet, but I'm not done yet either.

JJ said...

Are you still in possession of said ID, or does confession 101 describe its demise?

The Confessor said...

I totally do still have that i.d. I will show you on Monday.