Saturday, October 29, 2005

Confession 127

When i was in elementary school, I thought it would be funny to prop up a fork between the cushions of the couch so that someone would sit on it and go flying up off the couch like Goofy, bellowing "WOO-HOO-HOO-HOOO." Well, after about a few minutes I forgot, and when TGIF came on, I went running into the living room, bounded over the arm of the couch, and landed squarely on the fork. I did not go flying off, as I had envisioned, but rather fell to the floor groaning, with the fork sticking out of the flesh of my left buttock. That really hurt.


Anonymous said...

You'll be flying up off the couch once I have that password. Give give give!

Your comment thingy doesn't work on your regular blog. It says 404 page not found. Extra depressing.

Anonymous said...

I remember was not pretty! And I mean that literally!

Leslie Espinoza said...

I am laughing so hard, I can't really breathe.