Wednesday, September 07, 2005

Confession 117

Ok, I'm going to try to be more consistent with these now. Sorry about the lull. And efy was awesome, thanks!

Today's confession:

My friends and I invented a game when we were in high school. It's called the shopping cart game. The point is to try to get the largest or most expensive item you can into a stranger's shopping cart and then see if you can get them to purchase it. You can also get points for taking something OUT of a shopping cart and then getting the person to leave without it.

Points I've scored:

Got a lady with children to buy a large watermelon because she was too exasperated to do anything about it. Got diapers out of a cart. Got a lady to buy a bag of circus peanuts. Started a fight between an elderly couple who blamed each other for the spaghetti in their cart. Got a man to buy a box of tampons because he just wasn't paying attention.

I'm really good at this game, and it's scarier than you'd think.


Etelmik said...

Holy crap that's one of the funniest in a long time! Just when I think you're running out...

Speaking of "running out", gimme money. Please. ^_^

Nivette said...

Wow...I can only say that how did your poor parents deal...or did they know enough to have to deal with any of this? I hope you feel remotely bad about some of this stuff at least. Diapers are very important you funny. Well, it is, but it really shouldn't be.

Anonymous said...

That's terrible and hilarious all at the same time...I gotta laugh just one more time...hahahahahahahahahahahahaha.

Okay I'm done.

Robert Anthony Pierce said...

Right, Toasteroven. As soon as I get paid by efy. Paychecks are still not here. Meanwhile, what's the word on that victim's comp and the consumer protection agaency? Have you heard anything from the BYUI police?

ADDollhouse said...

I have PLAYED this game! Mostly though I am just mean and hand stuff to little kids. Their moms never believe "some lady GAVE it to me!"